For my second mission, I've chosen to investigate "Online Hate and Harassment: The Trouble with Trolling." As someone who actively and regularly uses the internet and social media, I often witness online hate. However, I usually don't understand the reason behind these trolls' actions. This generation has become dependent on the internet for information, entertainment, connecting with people anywhere and any time, and more. However, this also puts ourselves at risk of being targeted by trolls and meeting people with unknown intentions. I hope to develop an understanding of this cruel side of the internet through this mission.For this mission, I plan to . . .
✩ Think about the reasons why trolls might target people
✩ Look into different types of cyberhate on platforms like Twitter
✩ Track and analyse a trolling hashtag on Twitter
✩ Think about why people choose to stay on social media despite the risk of being trolled
My partner and I met up during college and started doing research. I went on to Twitter to find a trolling hashtag to track using Tags and discovered some types of trolling:
We shared a Powerpoint and edited our research into the slides for our presentation.
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